Organizational Chart for Gethsemane Christian Love Missionary Baptist Church - Los Angeles, CA
The Head Is God

We are blessed to have had a multifaceted program of outreach ministries:
- Intercessory Prayer: Daily at 6:00 AM
- Sunday School at 9:00 AM
- Children’s Church
- Audio/Sound Ministry Continues to Expand
- Ministry Training Classes for New Members
- Annual Youth and Young Adult Worship Celebrations
- Annual Salt and Light Leader’s Conference
- Music Ministry: Mass Choir, Male Chorus, Youth and Young Adult Choir
- Liturgical Dance Ministries of Youth, Young Adults, and Seniors
- Victory Bible Study/Deliverance Hour Each Wednesdays at 7 PM
To be Spirit filled men or women called of God, licensed, ordained and appointed to minister as extensions of the Pastor. To serve as armbeares. To provide prayer and divine guidance to those who needs requires special attention at the Pastor's request.
Duties: To assist the Pastor in directing worship services, handle special assignments, preaching, teaching and ministering to sick as the need demands. Obligated to visit the sick, serve communion to the sick and shut-in. Must strive to meet the spiritual and natural needs of our church membership as well as our community with God helping us.
Assists the Pastor in the execution of his spiritual work serving the needs of the membership, teaching classes, visiting the sick, counseling, serving communion, planning spiritual events for personal growth, evaluating Church programs, and praying with and for members.
Fosters fellowship and comradeship among the men of the Church. The ministry attempts to meet the needs that men traditionally encounter throughout society and the church by creating a spiritual learning environment in which men can mature personally and spiritually-candidly and without judgement. The objective is to promote Christian brotherhood and fellowship; provide opportunities for the development of individual potential and leadership; and to provide service to the community on a broad human basis.
Fosters missionary programs which promote and support the ministries of the church by administering to the needs of church members as well as the community. They complement the functions of the Deacon Board relating to the Lord Supper and Baptism.
To provide prayer and divine guidance to the ministers and assist with special assignments, teaching and ministering as needed. Strive to meet the spiritual and natural needs of the ministers, as well as support the church ministries by being role models for the women of our church.
The Mothers of the Mother’s Board are respected older wise women who help support and nurture younger women in the church. Members of the Mothers Board are appointed by the Pastor.
As mature and seasoned women of God and Mothers of the Church, the spiritual duties and responsibilities of the Mothers Board are as follows:
- Pray for the salvation of mankind, leading the unsaved to Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and being examples for other women to follow.
- Pray for our Pastor, leaders, members, and for Glory to Glory Ministries.
- Teach the younger women the ways of the Lord, and be a good example to others. (Titus 2:3-8)
“Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
6 Similarly, encourage the young men to be self-controlled. 7 In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness 8 and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”
- Assist with the preparation of Communion.
- Assist, support, and advise the Women’s Ministry.
The Mothers Board shall be guided by the Word of God and sound doctrine as outlined from the Book of Titus chapters 1, 2, 3.
Because Jesus is Lord, our purpose is to equip WOMEN for the BATTLE. The tools for God's Covenant Women are Teaching, Praying, Praising, and Worshipping GOD. Therefore, challenging GOD's Covenant Women to put the "WORD IN ACTION", in their homes, communities, jobs and local church. 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5, Acts 2:17, Jeremiah 23:28-29.
Duties: Provides an intergenerational forum for spiritual growth among the women of the church. Through a series of forums, dialogues, fellowships, and professionally facilitated workshops, the Ministry seeks to be a platform for issues surrounding women of all ages.
To communicate the exchange of thoughts that usually carries certain messages. This is the key to all successful and meaningful businesses, as well as church ministries.
Objective: To assist with the communication of all ministry literature. To facilitate and or expedite the clerical need of the ministry.
Duties: Responsible to the Pastor to carry out his directives in making the church body knowledgeable of events, meeting, visitations as well as giving insightful articles for exhorting and encouraging the church body/membership. Responsible for creating/overseeing the weekly church Bulletin and quarterly Newsletter. Assist the auxiliaries with their program organization by contacting guests, sending letters (as requested).
(Ushers are the doorkeepers of the Lord’s house)
To promote by attitude, words and deeds the goodwill of our ministry and maintain order in the sanctuary. To provide operational support under the training and instructions of the Pastor. The church usher duties can be summed up in a few words – making people feel welcome at church, assisting Pastors with people management, assisting with seating, collecting offering, and maintaining a safe environment.
Duties: To assist the Pastor and ministries as they flow with the ministry of the Holy Spirit. To create an atmosphere through intercession for the Holy Spirit to minister to those present in each worship service. A warm and friendly disposition and joyful smile are required characteristics for an usher to make all who enter the edifice feel welcomed, wanted and appreciated.
Duties: To complement the functions of the Ushers. They meet, greet, seat, and serve all who come into the sanctuary to worship.
To realize the Pastor's Vision to have a Well-Trained Church. (1 Cor. 14:40) To have a well-trained church, we must first have well trained Leaders. These leaders must accept responsibility and accountability for the Ministries/Auxiliaries over which they are placed. Must attend monthly meeting with the Pastor.
Objective: To lighten the Pastor's workload (Exodus 18:14-22), and to afford him (Pastor) more quality time for study and preparation in ministering to the people of God.
This teaching-learning ministry is held on Sunday's for Christian education.
Objective: To enrich the hearts and minds of the believers and new converts by teaching them Biblical Principles and Christian moral values. A topic and/or specific printed material is taught and discussed along with many carefully selected scriptures which are put together to simplify the deep and often complex thoughts of the Word of God.
To serve the Pastor and guest ministers in matters relative to their personal needs for ministry.
Objective: To cultivate our Pastor and his guest in a spiritual, professional and official manner ensuring that they are as comfortable as possible. To cover/protect the Man of God.
To collectively provide care for the Pastor's overall needs.
Objective: To exercise creativity in providing both mental and spiritual peace, thereby ensuring the overall well-being of the pastor.
Visitation Team who objective is to visit the sick and shut-in or those who can't come to worship services. This brings hope by spreading the word of God. Also works with the Outreach Ministry.
Duties: Promotes the Christian missionary work of Church, internally and externally. Members contribute to the spiritual, cultural and social uplift of the community and facilitate a network of fellowship for each member. The ministry sponsors several regular outreach efforts that benefit seniors, children and the homeless.
To reach and teach believers, members and the un-saved that are unable to worship with us at the church. Provides primarily audio rerecording services for Sunday Worship Service, Wednesday Bible Study, Business Meetings and special programs and events.
Objective: To minister the word of God through cassette tapes which can assist believers in their daily walk with the Lord and encourage the unsaved to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. (Tapes are sold as a reasonable and minimal love gift and the proceeds are used to strengthen the Tape Ministry.
To minister and witness to the community the good news of Jesus Christ.
Objective: To share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a suffering humanity; maintain spiritual unity and agape love and conveying this same message to the world as we witness door-to-door. To emphasize the importance of being in Christ, praising, worshipping and fellowshipping with the local body. To win souls for Christ and share testimonies with signs and wonders following.
The food distribution component of this ministry provides well - balanced bags of uncooked foods weekly for Church and community recipients. The Friday weekly distribution is targeted toward families in need.
Objective: To meet the physical needs of humanity through the distribution of food, clothing, furniture, etc... That we might receive through sources and or agencies. All of which are done in Love as unto the Lord.
To enhance and enrich the physical and spiritual development of youth ages 5-20.
Objective: To assist parents with the training, growth and spiritual maturity of our youth through the Word of God. Parent’s participation is essential to the overall development of our youth.
To receive new converts/members and help them feel free to worship God and serve others.
Objective: To have spirit-filled men and women, welcome new converts into the ministry and the local body. To take them on a personal tour of our facilities and give them spiritual tour of our entire ministry which includes: a personal introduction to our B.T.P., Executive Board and the appropriate teacher. This is done with Joy, Enthusiasm and Love to let them know that we care.
After the decision has been made to be a part of this fellowship, the counselor will assist with teaching the Basic Beliefs, Word Confession, Vision and day to day bible studies.
To extend the love and care of the Living God to those in need, bringing each caller to a point of Victory and Strength in their Christian Walk. To build an army of fighting soldiers, able to use the knowledge and tools of God, to dealt Satan and claim Jesus, "King of Kings." (Phil 3:13-14)
Only trained and spirit-filled counselors will answer these calls.
To demonstrate and minister the love and powerful Word of God to those who are incarcerated.
Objective: To encourage people to develop a personal relationship with God and to trust God to meet their every need; No matter how great or small. Encouragement is done through written and verbal communication, One-On-One Counseling, group session to share God's Word and conducting praise and worship service.
To make sure that all church facilities are secure. To arrange access to all church facilities when needed.
Children's church worship service time is special for Gethsemane Children Love Children. Meeting together in one large group, our boys and girls enjoy VIDEO teaching, singing and crafts while they learn Bible principles. Though geared especially for children, this time is set aside for praise, prayer and the Word. Children ages 5-11 are Welcomed and Wanted. They meet during the morning worship at 11:15 am, each Sunday.
Provides child care for children ages 6 months to 4 years primarily during Sunday morning services. The Nursery Ministry aims to teach and share the love of Jesus Christ through our smiles, our voices, and our attention to each child in our care. We hope to nurture the start of wanting to be more like Christ by sharing the Bible’s teachings about love, respect and acceptance of others.
Provides Christian fellowship and support to single persons through community services and spiritual enrichment. The ministry’s goal is to foster positive relationships among members of the Church, auxiliaries within the Church and community outreach. The Singles’ Ministry offers opportunities for individuals who are single to fellowship together and with other singles to develop support networks.
This is a going Ministry Training Class that meets once a quarter, a minimum for twice a week in a month. The purpose of this class is to equip believers for the army of God here on earth, moving them from Sons and Daughters to Soldiers; from membership to discipleship. All to the Glory of God.
This satellite Home Bible Study meets once a week in different homes to study the word of God.
Each time the Word goes forth, for the convenience of those who cannot be present, we tape the worship, so it can be purchased for your spiritual benefit throughout the year.
Our bus ministry extends out to the surrounding community, where we provide transportation for those who would like to attend any of our services and/or church events.
Duties: Provides transportation via the Church’s bus and/or van to pick up members for Sunday School, Worship Service, and for ministries/auxiliaries’ field trips. Driver’s must be younger than 65 years of age for insurance coverage.
1. Radio broadcast weekly each Saturday morning at 5:45 am.
2. Crusades: Africa, Trinidad, the United States. Revivals in New York, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, Los Angeles and Arizona.
3. Africa Project: Day Care Center in Harare Zimbabwe
4. Family Service Center: Rebuilds broken homes in our community.
The maintenance employee serves in a way that is consistent with Gethsemane’s mission and values. Salary is contingent upon the church’s approved annual budget. The position reports to the Senior Pastor and Board of Trustees and is subject to quarterly review and annual evaluation.
Duties: Inspect lighting system for proper operation, replace busted fluorescent tubes. Check all bathroom plumbing systems for proper operation. Repair/replace as needed. Check the annex plumbing systems and fixtures. Repair/replace as needed. Checks church building structure for any defects and repair immediately if minor work is needed. Otherwise, promptly report any issue to the Board of Trustees. Also, responsible for all other miscellaneous related task as assigned.
Provides sacred music during worship services, seasonal programs and extraordinary events. The ministry is comprised of several versatile choirs, and choir directors who present a range of music from spirituals to contemporary selections:
- The Young Peoples Choir - This choir is for children ages 6 through 17. This choir meets every second Saturday of the month at 10:30 am.
- The Young Adult Choir - Open to young adults ages 18 through 34. This choir sings during the 11:15 am worship service on Sundays. Rehearsals are held each Saturday at 11:30 am (except second Saturday).
- The Inspirational Choir - Open to anyone out of High School. The Inspirational Choir sings during the early morning worship service each Sunday and rehearses every Saturday at 1 pm (except second Saturday).
- Senior Choir - This choir is for ages 35 and up. The Senior Choir sings during Sunday worship and rehearses at least once a week.
- Mass Choir - This is a combination of all choirs. This choir sings in the Communion Worship service and rehearses once a month.
Male Chorus - This choir is for boys and men, ages 12 and up. The male choir sings every first Sunday during the worship service.
Provides spiritual guidance through fundamental liturgical dance for all ages. Provides a forum for developing creative ways to praise, worship, and honor God through dance, drama and music.
GAP is a liturgical dance group that provides dancers an opportunity to develop creative expression through sacred movement.
PURPOSE: II Corinthians 8:11a
To perform with a readiness of heart, the task needed to assist in the support of the dance ministry.