On July 16, 2022, Pastor Smith was consecrated and elevated to the office of Bishop. Bishop Smith has/is operating as a Bi-Vocational Pastor while carrying out the will of God for the life of the church. Bishop Smith ministers with spirituality, integrity, vision, and a purpose according to scripture to empower the body of Christ, to save souls, and assist the Church and community Ethos. To God be the glory for answering our call. (Matt. 7:7-8).
In addition, Bishop Smith currently serves as an Executive member of the Empowerment Congress, Safer Streets in Los Angeles, LA County Faith Collaborative and the Faith Collaborative on Homelessness. He also serves with National Faith Leader for Vulnerable Children. Bishop Byron is purpose driven with a strong desire to bring forth positive change by educating,
empowering, and engaging people within the city, county, state and national levels to offer trauma informed services to those persons considered by society to be the least, the lost, and the left out.
Bishop Byron has completed over 3,000 mental health clinical face-to-face hours working with individuals and their families for the past 8 years. Bishop Smith is currently working to complete his License as an Advance Drug Alcohol Counselor (LADAC) by California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) Credentialing. Presently he serves as a Primary Clinical Therapist at an adult substance abuse residential program in Orange County, CA. Bishop Byron has been a noteworthy leader in the mental health and faith based sectors, as well as various local communities throughout the mid-west and in Southern California.